European Union: Nature Restoration Law ESQ - Your Certification Partner

European Union: Nature Restoration Law

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European Union: Nature Restoration Law, historic turning point.

European Parliament has adopted a negotiating position on European nature restoration law with 336 favorable ballots, 300 contrarys and 13 abstainers, on 12 July.

Parliament approved Nature Restoration Law, the proposal for a regulation aimed at recovering biodiversity and seriously compromised natural areas.

The aim is to put into practice the EU’s efforts undertaken: restoration of at least 20% of natural degraded habitats by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

These objectives are legally binding and include, among others, renaturation, replantation of trees, greening the cities, pollution remediation.

Around 100 billion euro are earmarked for biodiversity and restoration under the multiannal financial framework. The Commission estimates that the new law would bring substantial economic benefits, because every euro invested would result in 8 euro, at least, of benefits.

Within 12 months after the entry into force of the Regulation, the Commission’ll have to assess any gap between financial needs of restoration and EU available funding and then study solutions to close that gap. (Source:


This project presented by the European Commission aims to pass from protection to recovery of natural environments through national plans.

The law agreement passed with 20 European Environment Ministers voting yes.

However, certain Member States are against it. The concerns focus on funding and the support that conservatives give to agricultural and fisheries associations.

Italy, Finland, Netherland, Poland and Sweden voted against, for different reasons.  

Austria and Belgium abstained for problems of assignment of competence.

In the coming months, this Community initiative will evolve. It represents the first legislative resolution to protect biodiversity in EU for the last 30 years, as such, it is an historical law.

In the meantime, it is necessary that we all play our part, as citizen or company, to protect the environment.

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