ISO 37001: Anti-corruption management system » ESQ - Your Certification Partner

ISO 37001: Anti-corruption management system

ESQ - Your Certification Partner > Other > ISO 37001: Anti-corruption management system

Organizzazione e anticorruzione in azienda

Anti-corruption and transparency are the objectives of ISO 37001 certification, belonging to the class of ISO Certification. It is the first international standard to be set as ad guideline to reduce costs and risks associated with corporate corruption.

Why fighting corruption is so important?

Organizations increasingly feel the need to implement an internal management system that allows them to comply with the anti-corruption law. Although the anti-corruption legislation has a rigid plan, ISO 37001 certification is a flexible standard that allows you to manage all types of organizations.

The anti-corruption policy of 37001 certification aims to declare that the compliance of th eorganization in relation to the corruption law 97/2016. This law is currently in force in Italy.

Organizzazione e anticorruzione in azienda

How can the goal be achieved?

To achieve this goal, collaboration between interested parties to manage all risks about the supply chain.

Especially today, anti-corruption along with transparency and privacy are the foundations of the production process and for this reason it is easy to identify the advantage of implementing such a system. In fact, the validation of one’s integrity by an independent system provides strong proof of the one’s transparency and the one’s willingness to work in a clear and clean way. This way of working is certainly rewarded internationally through the increase in collaborations and, consequently, in turnover.

Furthermore, by implementing such a system. you can be sure of complying with the relevant legislation, voiding administrative sanctions.

Finally, we must not forget the importance of adopting these management systems in order to be competitive in the international market, especially in the eyes of customers and other stakeholders in the context of tenders fot rhe implementation of certain projects.

Our ESQCERT company can accompany you throughout the process, ensuring the adoption of the measures to obtain certification.

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