Today, ISO 9001 certification is very important in the post-covid era.
Post the world pandemic, public attention moved from the final result to the process that leads the company to produce a specific product or service. In particular, ISO 9001 certification became important in the post-covid era also fos those who, until some time ago, didn’t know it.
The reason is immediate: if someone damages the enviroment, the health of consumers and workers, reduces the quality of production must take on social and economic responsabilities. The role of certification, at this point, is immediate.
They become necessary in global economic life, even if they are not required by law in a mandatory way.
In fact, even if on a voluntary basis the certifications are very important in terms of technical, legal and ethical requirements. Above all, this is actual in the international sector. Then, they must align the companies, operating in different sectors, with equal quality levels.
The ISO 9001 certificate, in particular, is a management standard that must be respected by both manufacturers and suppliers. In this sense, it is easy to understand that ISO 9001 quality certification is closely related to the concept of social enterprise.
For a long time now, the companies have been problems between different type of organizations. They can often result a lower quality of process. In order to avoid ethical problems, above all for consumers, these companies have decided to acquire the ISO 9001 certificate.
Covid19 marked a real turning point in the world of certifications.
A significant increase in the request of 9001 certifications is a result of the controls over the companies not only at a tecnhical level, but also at social level. So, the international standards have replaced the simple codes of conduct shared whitin organizations. In this way, the companies respect common community rules to guarantee the transaparency of what is done in the company.
The commitment by companies in the sector of certifications is today an essential element to be able to operate in the international market.