Work and gender inequality is a topic that can be represented in many ways in the economic and social framework of our country due to the centrality of work in the life of every individual, including women.
The “Green Economy” has important effect on world: economy, health, politics.
In European culture, animal welfare is an issue that deserves respect and importance. National and international governments respond to this type of sensitivity in a increasingly timely manner thanks to issue of guidelines.
The supply chain and the security need to be considered as intertwined elements.
On the other hand, the effectiveness and the efficiency of the final product depend on all stages of the process that lead to customer final consumption, including the logistics itself.
Corporate Sustainability has changed a lot. To date, most of the companies must provide for adherence to a sustainability plan, in the short and long term, since several studies showed that this choice means an increase in turnover.
The ISO certificazion: when and why?
The answer a this question!
HACCP is a support for food safety, today more than ever.
On the other hand, the food sector has always been subjected to very precise and sever legislation.